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"The strongest voice of all is that of your own mind. Let its speech not be hindered." | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wednesday, July 05, 2006Updated life: Download NOW!Hey guys, I know not most of you even come around here anymore, but that's ok, I'm thinking about switching over to a (dare I say it) myspace account. I'll most likely take every article from here, God willing, and transfer it over to a myspace. As luck would have it, I cannot even access it from work to add to it on my breaks and such, but I've got a good idea to get around that anyway. I'll write my stuff in Word at work then email it to myself so that I can pick it up later from home and upload it. I think the biggest problem will be the transfer, but I will do it nonetheless. Life has been good, granted it comes with lots of ups and downs, but that's how it is, neh? I had my first encounter with a Sting Ray last week, and for those of you who think your tough, this timid little shit of a creature will bring you to your knees. I come to find out a lot about this sea creature, thing last week. This creature can have up to a 9 inch blade below its tail, but that's the least of your worries. Tiny little barbs on its blade stick into its victom releasing a venom. It's venom reacts with the nervous system, causing lots of excrutiating pain. The pain peaks at 2 hours after the puncture. So, as I said, getting slashed or stabbed is the least painful point of the wound. Venom's a bitch. So aside from the fact that your in intense pain for about 6 hours or more, your muscles cramp up, and it could cause your heart to race, or even better, cause irregular heart beat (bad cases only apply). Also, this tiny creature has a record for killing people (and I thought it was so cute, too...). There have been people slashed on the abdomen/chest who were dead within 2 hours, survival if slashed on the chest/stomach is minimal at best. So yeah, I was stabbed in the right ankle by one of those buggers last week. Not cool. Anyway, for those of you who care...keep a lookout for the transfer. Now Playing - "Jars Of Clay - Liquid" Posted by Ryan Bach .xXx. 3:06 PM.xXx.------------------------------------------------------------------ Tuesday, February 28, 2006Never too late. Good news and bad news.For those of you who even still have this linked to a friendly neighborhood website, I'm sure you're glad to know I'm still alive and kicking. Ok...start it off bad news first.... My dog, Baby, passed away Thursday, February 23 sometime in the middle of the night. It was definitely a hard thing for me to experience, seeing as how I've had that dog since I was around 6 years old. She died of, what we think was, a stroke. It's good to know that now she is no longer suffering of the cancer that had made itself known on her body. I hope to see that dog again in the clouds someday. I'll miss you, Baby. I broke away from Starbucks and so for most of you who enjoyed my wonderful Toffee Nut Caramel Macchiattos or my great extra-Chai Lattes, you're going to have to have it made by anothers most-likely less gifted barista hands (I can brag a little). My first job at PacifiCare that I took after my resignation unfortunately only lasted 3 weeks. I forgot my lunch today :( ...and now...the good news. Two weeks after the first PacifiCare ended, I started another job at PacifiCare which seems much more long-term than the last. I'm doing really well, thanks to my knowledge of how computer programs usually work. Today's an early day to get off work. In other news, I got a few more CD's that you guys might want to pick up if it tickles your fancy. Switchfoot: Nothing is Sound: From the guys who brought you Dare You To Move. Check out the songs Easier to Love and The Setting Sun. Jars Of Clay: Redemption Songs: Nothing original as far as the songs go, but its all about how the songs are played. These guys put a modern twist on some old hymns. death cab for cutie: PLANS: From the man who brought you Postal Service, he's back with his band. Mostly softer style music, but very interesting lyrics. Take a look at it. Soul Meets Body, ring a bell? That's it for the music. Laterz. Now Playing - "Switchfoot - Easier to love" Posted by Ryan Bach .xXx. 12:20 PM.xXx.------------------------------------------------------------------ Monday, October 17, 2005Knock knockHey everyone, when was the last time you called your friend just to say "hello"? Now, when was the last time you even talked to one of your friends? Think about it for awhile. Then do something about it, or be ignorant. Guess what I'm trying to say that is if you keep waiting for someone else to call you to see how you're doing, chances are, they're doing the same thing. Just saying. Now Playing - "Third Eye Blind - Semi-Charmed Life" Posted by Ryan Bach .xXx. 7:11 PM.xXx.------------------------------------------------------------------ Friday, October 14, 2005Man your battlestations!My mother comes back from Ireland today for the second time and the result of such shouldn't be one of much surprise. It would just seem that life is so much easier when at least one of them (mother or my step-father)is no longer at the house. I swear, they both get along with me so much better when the other is not around. So, today ends the peacetime era and it's time once again to put up the defenses. The recent battles have ended with the threat of kicking me out and me living somewhere else, which, had I the opportunity to do so, would be the greatest thing for me. They don't want me living at home anymore, apparently Michael was much more bearable because they gave him 3 more years before they even brought up the thought. I'm just the rotten apple, apparently. It's not rocket science, my parents are nuts, but somebody's gotta deal with 'em. And so I try to ignore their unreasonable demands and surround myself with school, work, and my beautiful fiance. I'd be spending time with friends to, but they all have their commitments just like I do, but I'm extremely happy for them all... Anyways, I miss you guys! I know most of you don't read much anymore, but what the hell, one day you might. See you around. Now Playing - "The Specials - Monkey Man" Posted by Ryan Bach .xXx. 4:44 PM.xXx.------------------------------------------------------------------ Sunday, September 18, 2005The real giftSuch a coincidence that I would be here typing the night of my birthday. In bed asleep would have been one of my predictions. I realized what birthday's were all about this week. Where my mother and my step-father would celebrate it for the sake of celebrating it, it bothered me that there wasn't much effort or feeling behind the occasion. It was almost as if they had to do it because they had celebrated my brother's a month before. I wont go into detail, but the overall feeling I got the whole night was that everyone was there because they felt they had to be, not because they wanted to be. These last three days have meant more to me than any birthday celebration before. I got to spend my birthday with my dad, my mom, (Yes, my parents are divorced, but the woman my dad remarried has stepped up and never once rejected me, even if I was a little shit when I was younger. So she rightfully gains the title.) and Jesse, the only true family I have left. They've always been there for me, and even when they couldn't, they were always making sure I knew they wanted to be. Whenever I screwed up, they encouraged me instead of putting me down for it. They tried to help me recover from my mistakes instead of putting more obstacles in my way. Anyway, this weekend they showed me the real gift of family. I couldn't trade 'em for anything in the world. I don't need presents, or cakes, or candles, or any of that stuff. They're nice to have, but without family, they are empty. Such is the way I felt at my birthday dinner with my mom and my step-dad, and now I know why. I've found that anything you try to do, you couldn't do half as well without the encouragement of family. Whether they're biologically your family or not, I feel anyone close enough to your heart belongs in your family. Without them, things are so much harder, and it's so hard not to give up. And in this world, giving up is not an option. Now Playing - "Jimmy Eat World - Pain" Posted by Ryan Bach .xXx. 11:40 PM.xXx.------------------------------------------------------------------ Tuesday, September 06, 2005Everything will be alrightI can't help but stay up late tonight, wondering whether everything will turn out alright. There are so many uncertain things in this world, and even what I knew doesn't help much now. I've learned so much through school and friends, but none of it ever could prepare(protect) me from what the "real" world could really do. Things are out of my control, and it's almost like I'm being pulled by the current of my life, while my mind is struggling to stay above water while it moves swiftly on. I'm just trying to keep all the loose ends together while things come and go. I'm looking into a new job as I've decided my current one really can't provide enough cashflow. It's tough cause my mom just started making me pay rent because she feels I'm not "responsible" enough. Most who know me would say otherwise, but in her eyes, I'm so immature. Again, another contradiction of reality. Ask anyone and they'll tell you I'm too serious and mature. Its all a misunderstanding of perception though because my mom refuses to walk a mile in my shoes. Hell, telling her how hard it is right now is like telling a professional track runner that running the mile is really tough. It's not like they'd really remember how hard it is, they're too stuck on the fact that it's so easy for them. Anyway, God helps those who help themselves, so I'm working to get another job. Whether it's a completely different job, or if it's a secondary one working for Len (even though working under him back then was stressful enough). I want my life to take a turn for the better. I can't control the circumstances, I can't control what has and what will happen, I can only control my reaction to each and every situation. Realizing that is hard, because I'd really like something good to come down our way. People always tell you that it's all gonna work out when times are the roughest, and it's almost seemingly a curse. Those people who say that are so confident in their own situation that they figure everyone will eventually reach the security they have one day, and if someone wasn't there yet, they encourage us to wait a little longer and perhaps it'll get better. It's such a half-assed comment though, cause they say it gets better, but rarely do they ever offer any help. They would walk up to someone, knowing that the person is having a huge problem and telling them it's all gonna be puppy dogs and kittens, and then walking off feeling as if they did someone to help encourage the troubled person. Nothing is offered, and they'll probably never talk about it again. I know, I've done it. So if you're going to say it's going to get better, do something to help out or don't say anything at all. As I've come to learn lately, words without actions are meaningless. Now Playing - "Shawn Mullins - Lullaby" Posted by Ryan Bach .xXx. 2:03 AM.xXx.------------------------------------------------------------------ Wednesday, August 03, 2005August Playlist: OC Clubbin'Alright here's this month's playlist, and I'm pretty excited about this one because I don't have many Dance/Techno/Trance CD's. And another thing to mention is that everyone has access to the music. Just check out OC Remix and look for each of these songs. Playlist: OC Clubbin' 1. Arkimedes - Halo Fall From Above (You Can't Stop) OC ReMix (4:05) 2. Cyborg Jeff - F-Zero GX Dr Stuard (Jeff & Toad Air Team Challengers) OC ReMix (4:45) 3. Darkesword - Mega Man X2 Beamsabre Beat ZEROv2 OC ReMix (4:03) 4. Beatdrop - Final Fantasy 8 Man With Another Trance Machine OC ReMix (5:00) 5. AkumajoBelmont - Castlevania SotN The Devil Inside (Italo Disco Mix) OC ReMix (4:27) 6. bLiNd - Aerofunknamics (3:28) 7. Section III Studios - One Must Fall 2097 And You Must Dance OC ReMix (5:32) 8. ArseAssassin - Kabuki Quantum Fighter Take the Red Pill OC Remix (4:18) 9. Disco Dan - Mega Man 2 Metalman Goes Clubbing OC ReMix (5:21) 10. Prophecy - Chekan Winter (6:52) 11. Disco Dan - Mega Man 2 Heat Man Rapid Fire OC ReMix (4:57) 12. Rayza - Gaiares Stage1Theme (The T-Braster Mix) OC ReMix (4:10) 13. Sadorf, S|r NutS - Echoes (3:49) 14. Rayza - Street Fighter 2 Club Del Toro OC ReMix (5:11) 15. Ghetto Lee Lewis - Tales of Phantasia Emotions Lost in Time OC ReMix (6:48) 16. Ziwtra - Secret of Mana Desert Snowstorm OC ReMix (4:21) Until next time. Enjoy! Now Playing - "(One Must Fall 2097)OC Remix - Section III - And You Must Dance" Posted by Ryan Bach .xXx. 10:07 AM.xXx.------------------------------------------------------------------ Tuesday, July 19, 2005What's the point?Well I've spent that last half hour or so putting together a nice playlist I wanted in my car, and I've come to find that it was all for nothing. It would seem that some of the music I got from my brother's friend apparently was from iTunes, and because iTunes likes to be different and use .m4a and .m4p, or even .mp4, it's impossible to write to CD unless I were to go get their software. That is, unless I can find a encoder for these files, but I really don't know much about that type of thing. I just think it's pointless for iTunes to use a completely different file type than that of the seemingly universal .mp3. What's the big idea? Do you get more customer's that way, or maybe it's the fact that they have to have your software for as long as they want their music. Even then, what if they ever wanted to share their music in their friend's car? Are they going to have to drag their iPod around and bring their own massive speakers? Just goes to show that Apple's greed speaks louder than you would think. Want to keep your music, keep iTunes. Want to take it somewhere, get iPod. Want to share it with someone else, tough luck. Now Playing (Jimmy Eat World - Pain) Posted by Ryan Bach .xXx. 10:28 AM.xXx.------------------------------------------------------------------ Monday, July 18, 2005There goes that ideaToday's my day off work today, and since it's been SO hot around here lately, I thought, "Hey, maybe I'll head down to the beach and enjoy the heat in a more desirable location," but it would seem that this overcast day is trying to ruin that pleasure for me. I think I'll still end up going, only because I haven't done it in so long and I really want to go out and enjoy the waves. I just hope these clouds fade away. I've got a long work week ahead of me, so I'm trying to enjoy the 2 days I get off this week. Both of which are spread apart. I've been called twice from my work and another Starbucks for me to come work for someone who didn't show up for work. I've already got 30 hours going this week, it's gonna be hard enough. Nothing compared to those of you who work full time, but most of my shifts are closing shifts, so I'm guessing there's not much sleep held for me this week. Hope your all doing well, drop a comment in sometime guys! I'd be glad to hear from you. Until next time. Now Playing - "Muse - Blackout" Posted by Ryan Bach .xXx. 10:32 AM.xXx.------------------------------------------------------------------ Wednesday, July 13, 2005Never would have guessedYes, it happened to me, of all people. Yesterday, Jesse and I were "chosen" to attend a promotion for some company's fine line of products, and needless to say, I was a fool to think that they might actually be providing some wonderous gift to us. Of course, they had a gentlemen who knew his stuff and because Jesse and I were the youngest couple in the group, he immediately "befriended" us. Caught up in his presentation, we decided we wanted the products he had, not because they were wonderful products, but because we wanted a headstart in life and we thought by having these things, it would put us ahead of the game. After a night of thought and a consultation with our parents, (not to mention all the free stuff they gave us to begin with was all bogus) we decided to cancel our order. Lucky for us, cause they only give you 3 days to have a cancellation request arrive at their door, which as some of you might not know, takes 2 days to do. So tomorrow, I'm going to undo what we did the day before and send in the cancellation. I just hope we can do it without any further problems. "Wheel of Morality, turn, turn, turn, tell us the lesson we should learn!" If it's too good to be true, it probably is. Now Playing - "My Chemical Romance - The Jetset Life Is Going To Kill You" Posted by Ryan Bach .xXx. 12:01 AM.xXx.------------------------------------------------------------------
All writings, poems, and rants are Copyright © Ryan Bach. If you want to use my writings, contact me first!